Quantum Awakening: Embracing the Divine Symphony in a Sovereign Reality
In the celestial dance of existence, amidst the transformative energies of the winter solstice and the wave of the 2024 great awakening, we collectively declare our sovereignty, transcending the need for intermediaries in our journey towards higher consciousness. The symphony unfolds as we embrace the profound energies of Shiva and Shakti, weaving a tapestry of unity and empowerment.
As the winter solstice blankets the earth in a sacred hush, we step into the garden of shared consciousness, dismantling the constructs of control that have sought to confine our limitless potential. This dance is a liberation ritual, an offering to the divine union that exists beyond the illusion of external ownership. As a collective, we reject disempowering narratives, rising into the fullness of our inherent power.
Consciously entwined in the dance of coupling and uncoupling, we cast aside the outdated constraints of marriage contracts. Our children inherit a world where parents stand in complete awakened power, co-creating spaces of love and understanding that surpass societal expectations.
In the embrace of the 2024 great awakening, our collective dance resonates with the frequency of abundance. Recognizing that money is a shared manifestation, we effortlessly attune to its flow through collective intention. Breaking free from the calcifying systems that once bound us, we choose flexibility and flow as a unified force.
Choosing the path of liberation from calcifying states, we embrace the wisdom of Kaula Tantric Yin. In the dance of existence, we breathe life into our being, aligning mind, body, and soul with a yin energy that flows like a gentle stream. Instead of toiling to the bone, we choose a trajectory that is floppy, flexible, and relaxed, free from the shackles of a body crippled by the weight of societal expectations.
Our journey unfolds as a tapestry of trauma-free existence, guided by the sacred breath of Kaula Tantric Yin. With each mindful inhalation and exhalation, we release the grip of trauma, utilizing the transformative power of Sonomic Osho shaking Shakti. Through this dynamic practice, we shake loose the burdens carried within our organs, allowing them to resonate with the rhythm of our true authentic self.
In the embrace of yogic postures, we let go of the calcification that once confined our flexibility. Our bodies become vessels of liberation, shedding the weight accumulated from cradle to grave. As we release the trauma stored in our very essence, we arrive at our creative core, embodying the essence of creative creators.
After transcending the limitations of marriage contracts, we return to the sacred practice of handfasting. In this ritual, we weave together clear boundaries and consent, embracing the essence of sovereign connections rather than ownership. Our unions become expressions of divine harmony, free from the Tower of Babel's language of control.
The dance of Kaula Tantric Yin becomes a ritual of self-discovery, allowing us to move through life with grace and fluidity. Our existence becomes a testament to the transformative power of conscious breath, shaking Shakti, and yogic postures. We stand as liberated beings, free from the limitations that once held us captive, ready to create and manifest our truest and most authentic selves in every breath and movement.
Amidst the noise of the 3D world, fighting and fear-mongering over an orchestrated movie of news, war, and rigged elections, we choose a different narrative. We choose heaven on Earth, completely sovereign, free from the illusionary control of elite governments. As the world engages in the embodied illusion, we stand firm in our commitment to a reality where love and balance prevail, with no need for external governance.
In this quantum dance, inspired by the slit model of reality, we understand that our collective consciousness shapes the very fabric of existence. The observer effect becomes our guide, as we witness the collapse of illusions and the emergence of a reality aligned with our intentions. Our dance echoes the harmonious chords of a divine symphony, guiding us toward a future where sovereignty reigns supreme, and the illusionary drama of the 3D world dissolves into the blissful harmony of heaven on Earth.
As we gaze into each other's eyes, forging connections beyond the limitations of spoken language, the quantum threads of our existence weave a tapestry of pure and authentic love. Deep, pure friendships blossom, creating a network of hearts entwined in the dance of unity. With every shared glance, the symphony of our collective journey becomes a celebration of connection and understanding.
And as the crescendo of our collective journey approaches, may the symphony usher in connections so profound, each note resonating in a cosmic orgasmic dance of pure bliss. In ease and blissful design, let the quantum threads of our existence weave together a tapestry of joy, where the dance of unity unfolds in a symphony of divine connection, forever entwining our hearts and souls.
Namaste 🙏🏼
Dr. Leeana Conley, PhD, MEd, BS, Advanced Tantric Yogic Teacher, Energy Healing Practitioner, Shamanic Kambo Practitioner, Mother, Sovereign Human, and Spiritual Being navigating a human experience through a body avatar high-technology calm parasympathetic nervous system.
www.goddessyogax2.life - Goddessyogax2@gmail.com